Garbage & Recycling

Endeavor Recycling

N2153 7th Ave, Endeavor

Nate at the center may be contacted at:
Phone: (608) 587-2555
Phone: (608) 617-8907

Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 9 am - 3 pm
Wednesday: noon - 5 pm
Saturday: 9 am - noon

Recycles are no charge and may be comingled (no sorting necessary). If you have obtained a Resident of Moundville tag the cost for garbage is $2.00 per large bag.

All taxpayers received a sticker with the 2020 tax bill. Take the sticker to the Recycling Center and the staff will assign an orange tag to hang on the rearview mirror when dropping off garbage. Place the sticker on the back of the tag, which identifies you as a resident of the Town of Moundville.

The general public pays $3.50 per bag, so this is a significant savings.

One tag will be allowed per residence. It may be moved among vehicles.

Replacement tag cost is $5.00.

If you have any questions, please contact Tammy Cummings at (608) 587-2391.